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Justice Or Else! ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

American Terrorists, When will the Fake News Media Exposé Years of Crimes at Jeffrey Epstein Island, Pedophilia, Blackrock, Vanguard,Rothschild, Rockefellers,Free Masons,George Soros,ALEN Dershowitz, Jeff Bezos,Mark Zuckerberg, Pricilla Chan, Google, Elon Musk, Bernie Madoff, Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, Howard Stern, Bill Gates, Anthony FAUCI, Sanjay GUIPTA, Howard Zucker, Mario Coumo, Perjury on Death Certificates of Senior Citizens COVID-19 Deaths(War Crimes) Why is every Blood Sucking Jew in America & England provided a FREE VACATION TO SATAN ISRAEL Courtesy of American Tax Payers? The Removal of Pledge, American Flag replaced With Satanic Rainbow Curriculum,Flag Linked with U.S. Military, NYPD, NYC Fire Department as those Demons infiltrated all Government agencies. Issues of Free Condoms at Schools, Crimes inside one bathroom used at Schools by Boys, Girls, Demons/Devil Worshippers LBGTQ Drag Queens, Swingers Causing Worldwide Titanic, Opening the Graves of Hell. Larry Silverstein obtaining over 4.5 Billion Dollars insurance Payments after 911, September 11, 2001 as they lied blaming Muslims Iraq weapons of Mass Destruction, Unjust Wars, Genocide, War Crimes. Trafficking of Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Firearms, Narcotics, Big pharmaceutical Drugs,Prostitution,Pornography, Men, Women, Children, Organs, Bones. Crimes against Nature, Artificial Intelligence, Cloning, Abortions. Let’s not forget the Murder of 23 Year Old White Female American Rachel Corrie Bulldozed Alive Forward than Backwards by Jewish Terrorists Israeli Tank as her Father Craig a U.S. Veteran CRYS for help from American Politicians/Criminals were completely ignored. Destructive Satanic Internet Apps destroying Families, fatherless Children. Ashley Madison, Married Discreet relationships, Same Sex Relationships, Relationships with animals, etc. leading to rise in divorces, deadly diseases, suicides,Mental illnesses. Man Made Viruses, Cancer, Autism, Homelessness, Overcrowded Prisons, Shelters, Entry of millions upon millions of undocumented illegal Immigrants,some Prison Escapees, endangering the Safety, Health, Security of all God Fearing Americans. Misappropriation of Trillions of Dollars of Tax Payers Money as Politicians/Criminals ask Suffering Americans for Donations for Disabled Veterans, Poor, Animals. Outdated infrastructure, broken roads, rusted bridges, outdated schools, curriculums, Job losses. Why did Edward Snowden Seek Asylum in Russia after Exposing the Central Intelligence Agency. No Justice No Peace, No Mercy. Eye For A Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth. AFRICA IS NOT FOR SALE TO BLOOD SUCKERS, WESTERN EVIL/DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANIC SAME SEX CULTURE NOR WILL ACCEPT BRIBES TO FOLLOW THE GREAT SATAN ISRAEL, U.S. GOVERNMENT, RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLDWIDE CORRUPTION, DESTRUCTION AND THE SHAKING OF THIS EARTH.

International Training Conference Pre-Registration Deadline Approaching!! ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago
International Training Conference Pre-Registration Deadline Approaching!!

We are living in the mind of God 🧠 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

Powerful 🔥🔥🔥🔥 ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

It's clear to me that Min Ishmael has lost himself in Farrakhan's, imaging personality, which is sad. Min Ishmael, in his style alone does well.

What is Real Fun? ... See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago

Mastery Over Lower Desires ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

What is Will Power? ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

6 CommentsComment on Facebook


Yes! Yes! Yes! Staying True to the Word. Ameen

Let Thy Will Be Done! Yes! Yes! Ameen

Justice or Else.. Ameen

Will Power is definitely Real Power..YES SIR brother student minister Nuri Muhammad ALLAHU AKBAR ✊🏾

AllahuAkbar ❤️

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MIND POWER! Cracking Atoms! ⚛️ 🔥 ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

The greatest supreme teachings, and yet the Muslims ranks are more disunited than ever before. Talk is cheap, especially cheap talk.

There is a lot of Science in this.

Thanks brother 19 keys Nuri Mohammed invitation make me feel so good I need to know more thanks for teaching

He was definitely a messenger

Please post Hon. Muhammad speaking on this. I doubt its veracity.






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The First Law of Motion and The Second Law of Order 🔥 ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Yeah but all the Donald Trump motels failed because of him

Cleanliness = Godliness 🔑 ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

Whose playbook are we following daily? ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

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Straight knowledge....facts

The Mind Wars ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

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I was raised to bless your food before you eat and life is not clean you understand BLACK MAN

Soul + Health + Wealth 🔑 ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

The Energy of Thought and Food ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

You are what you eat and think 🤔. Amen

Who are you voting for? ... See MoreSee Less

4 weeks ago

A powerful message delivered on Sunday! Watch this and share! ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

Are we neglecting our own souls? ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

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Knowledge is Power ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

The Power of Being Clean Internally and Externally! 🔥🔥🔥

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1 month ago

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Surah 21 verse 18 Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, so it knocks out its brains, and lo! It vanishes. And woe to you for what you describe.


Wow,,a profound observation indeed!!!

MOST AWESOME: GREAT JOB..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Real knowledge....200% facts

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The True History of Jesus ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

5 CommentsComment on Facebook

So the true history of Jesus, spoken 632 years after his death, by a man who was writing down, what another man who couldn’t read or write, was saying, about a man he never knew? And this was revealed to him over 20 years, by an angel that met him in a cave and gave him a hug. Yup sounds legit to me…….

This is very powerful as well as deep.Alot of people will get lost with this message and do what lost people doand that is to turn around go make where they started from.(DO U GET IT?)

Latrina Edwards Hill

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Online Registration for the International Training Conference ends July 21st! ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
Online Registration for the International Training Conference ends July 21st!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

The Saviours’ Tour is headed to Charlotte, NC! ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

Want to be a good father? Study the example of Jesus!
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1 month ago

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Amen Amen

Ameen King!


Jesus and his mother Mary in the Holy Qur’an

Full video
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1 month ago

6 CommentsComment on Facebook

This message given is totally wrong and a far distance from the direct words and teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, peace be upon him, concerning himself and The Great Savior. Clearly, The Messenger, is not the Messiah, that you teach wrongly, and can be shown in his own words. He writes; "The woman in Rev 12:4, (actually) refers to the last Apostle of God, and (her) child refers to (his) followers or the entire so called Negro race as they are called who are not yet ready to be delivered (go to their own). MTTBM, page 127, last paragraph. In another place he writes, "He who has found us is OUR FATHER, the God of love, life, light, freedom, justice and equality." MTTBM, page 4. In yet another place he writes, "The Mother of Jesus, WELL represents a MESSENGER from among you, pregnating with a new world out of you. ALMIGHTY GOD, ALLAH, is the FATHER, and must protect the infant "baby nation" (the so-called Negroes) whom he is carrying. Pitt Courier 10/5/57. Here, the Last Messenger, as clear as day distinctly explaining the roles of himself, and Almighty God, Allah, as Our Spiritual Mother, and Father. Min Farrakhan, errs when he teaches a message diametrically opposed to Messenger Elijah Muhammad, peace be upon him. The virgin Mary, a Messenger, is himself to the Great Savior, being the only man, exposed to the pure Truth from God, Himself, and taught the same, saying, in Our Savior Has Arrived "You are absolutely deaf, dumb, and blind. This is Mary. Yes! They are our Spiritual Mother and Father, just as he taught. In the above Rev 12:4, when you go there you'll find a woman, with a crown, fleeing from an enemy, in an effort to deliver a baby (people). Wake and see truth.

Hloniphani Justice Ntombela and Kevin Kilpatrick Jesus and his Mother Mary are written in The Bible and The Quran. But He is Speaking from The Quran. Surah 19 Mary Maryam and that is why many of you do not understand when The Nation of Islam Speaks.


Sounds like some bs to me.

False teaching

Pip dream

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Let us make man! ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

All Praises DueToAllAH



Heavenly Fatherhood! ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

13 CommentsComment on Facebook

Heavenly Motherhood, Our Father which Art in Heaven 🙏

Good teaching. May Allah reward you ameen. May Allah forgive and accept us ameen.

Great Teaching, Honorable Louis Farrakhan as always. Justice or Else Ameen 🙏

Justice or Else Ameen

Rock the Boat 🚢! Ameen 🙏

Listen Guy you bbe more real and preach facts ....This prayer was written by the White man.. It's blasphemy and delusion.. A part of it says..AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION.. OUR FATHER DOES NOT LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION.... Mister you need to stop this shouting and Preach Facts ..

Luke 17 21, but IN The Kolob Constellation.

Amen 🙏🏽❤️👍🏽✌🏽🙏🏽

Highest Level! Lucifer is a Disgusting, Filthy Dragon Beast Snake! Yes I said it Much Wisdom Power. Ameen

American Terrorists, When will the Fake News Media Exposé Years of Crimes at Jeffrey Epstein Island, Pedophilia, Blackrock, Vanguard,Rothschild, Rockefellers,Free Masons,George Soros,ALEN Dershowitz, Jeff Bezos,Mark Zuckerberg, Pricilla Chan, Google, Elon Musk, Bernie Madoff, Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, Howard Stern, Bill Gates, Anthony FAUCI, Sanjay GUIPTA, Howard Zucker, Mario Coumo, Perjury on Death Certificates of Senior Citizens COVID-19 Deaths(War Crimes) Why is every Blood Sucking Jew in America & England provided a FREE VACATION TO SATAN ISRAEL Courtesy of American Tax Payers? The Removal of Pledge, American Flag replaced With Satanic Rainbow Curriculum,Flag Linked with U.S. Military, NYPD, NYC Fire Department as those Demons infiltrated all Government agencies. Issues of Free Condoms at Schools, Crimes inside one bathroom used at Schools by Boys, Girls, Demons/Devil Worshippers LBGTQ Drag Queens, Swingers Causing Worldwide Titanic, Opening the Graves of Hell. Larry Silverstein obtaining over 4.5 Billion Dollars insurance Payments after 911, September 11, 2001 as they lied blaming Muslims Iraq weapons of Mass Destruction, Unjust Wars, Genocide, War Crimes. Trafficking of Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Firearms, Narcotics, Big pharmaceutical Drugs,Prostitution,Pornography, Men, Women, Children, Organs, Bones. Crimes against Nature, Artificial Intelligence, Cloning, Abortions. Let’s not forget the Murder of 23 Year Old White Female American Rachel Corrie Bulldozed Alive Forward than Backwards by Jewish Terrorists Israeli Tank as her Father Craig a U.S. Veteran CRYS for help from American Politicians/Criminals were completely ignored. Destructive Satanic Internet Apps destroying Families, fatherless Children. Ashley Madison, Married Discreet relationships, Same Sex Relationships, Relationships with animals, etc. leading to rise in divorces, deadly diseases, suicides,Mental illnesses. Man Made Viruses, Cancer, Autism, Homelessness, Overcrowded Prisons, Shelters, Entry of millions upon millions of undocumented illegal Immigrants,some Prison Escapees, endangering the Safety, Health, Security of all God Fearing Americans. Misappropriation of Trillions of Dollars of Tax Payers Money as Politicians/Criminals ask Suffering Americans for Donations for Disabled Veterans, Poor, Animals. Outdated infrastructure, broken roads, rusted bridges, outdated schools, curriculums, Job losses. Why did Edward Snowden Seek Asylum in Russia after Exposing the Central Intelligence Agency. No Justice No Peace, No Mercy. Eye For A Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth. AFRICA IS NOT FOR SALE TO BLOOD SUCKERS, WESTERN EVIL/DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANIC SAME SEX CULTURE NOR WILL ACCEPT BRIBES TO FOLLOW THE GREAT SATAN ISRAEL, U.S. GOVERNMENT, RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLDWIDE CORRUPTION, DESTRUCTION AND THE SHAKING OF THIS EARTH.

April Brewer April Lackey Monique X Willis Bambine Williams Tiffanie Williams Ann Wadley Vincent Dixon Vinson Gaines Monti Suttles Orlando Montgomery Paul Montgomery Walter Brewer Lebron Shep


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When men become fathers ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook


Men: Women are a mercy from God. ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

7 CommentsComment on Facebook

Amen Amen

Powerful, listen up.

We became Parents To Our Children On The Same Days and Dates if We, They have more than One Child, Children and Those Dates Never Change. They Go Thru All The Days of The Week but never Change Like Their Agenda Sundays



Allah Akbar!

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A message for men on fatherhood.

#Farrakhan #fathersday #blackfathers
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1 month ago

8 CommentsComment on Facebook

Father's Day should not be once a Year It should be 365 Days a Year. That is the responsibilities all of us should have.

Amen preach it like it was written




Amen Teach Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan !!!!


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Words of guidance for fathers.

#Farrakhan #fathersday
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1 month ago

32 CommentsComment on Facebook

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO YOU HONORABLE MINISTER FARRAKHAN. May Allah continue to bless you to share light on all of us.

Happy father's day to the honorable minister Louis Farrakhan may Allah bless you Amen ✌️

Words of wisdom to the fathers.



Truer words are never spoken, live long and prosper.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY 🌟🌹🌟♥️🌟🌹🙏🏾✝️🌹

Praise God 🙏

My father was just like father Abraham and Christ Jesus, hallelujah amen.


Amen 🙏🏽❤️👍🏽✌🏽🙏🏽


American Terrorists, When will the Fake News Media Exposé Years of Crimes at Jeffrey Epstein Island, Pedophilia, Blackrock, Vanguard,Rothschild, Rockefellers,Free Masons,George Soros,ALEN Dershowitz, Jeff Bezos,Mark Zuckerberg, Pricilla Chan, Google, Elon Musk, Bernie Madoff, Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, Howard Stern, Bill Gates, Anthony FAUCI, Sanjay GUIPTA, Howard Zucker, Mario Coumo, Perjury on Death Certificates of Senior Citizens COVID-19 Deaths(War Crimes) Why is every Blood Sucking Jew in America & England provided a FREE VACATION TO SATAN ISRAEL Courtesy of American Tax Payers? The Removal of Pledge, American Flag replaced With Satanic Rainbow Curriculum,Flag Linked with U.S. Military, NYPD, NYC Fire Department as those Demons infiltrated all Government agencies. Issues of Free Condoms at Schools, Crimes inside one bathroom used at Schools by Boys, Girls, Demons/Devil Worshippers LBGTQ Drag Queens, Swingers Causing Worldwide Titanic, Opening the Graves of Hell. Larry Silverstein obtaining over 4.5 Billion Dollars insurance Payments after 911, September 11, 2001 as they lied blaming Muslims Iraq weapons of Mass Destruction, Unjust Wars, Genocide, War Crimes. Trafficking of Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Firearms, Narcotics, Big pharmaceutical Drugs,Prostitution,Pornography, Men, Women, Children, Organs, Bones. Crimes against Nature, Artificial Intelligence, Cloning, Abortions. Let’s not forget the Murder of 23 Year Old White Female American Rachel Corrie Bulldozed Alive Forward than Backwards by Jewish Terrorists Israeli Tank as her Father Craig a U.S. Veteran CRYS for help from American Politicians/Criminals were completely ignored. Destructive Satanic Internet Apps destroying Families, fatherless Children. Ashley Madison, Married Discreet relationships, Same Sex Relationships, Relationships with animals, etc. leading to rise in divorces, deadly diseases, suicides,Mental illnesses. Man Made Viruses, Cancer, Autism, Homelessness, Overcrowded Prisons, Shelters, Entry of millions upon millions of undocumented illegal Immigrants,some Prison Escapees, endangering the Safety, Health, Security of all God Fearing Americans. Misappropriation of Trillions of Dollars of Tax Payers Money as Politicians/Criminals ask Suffering Americans for Donations for Disabled Veterans, Poor, Animals. Outdated infrastructure, broken roads, rusted bridges, outdated schools, curriculums, Job losses. Why did Edward Snowden Seek Asylum in Russia after Exposing the Central Intelligence Agency. No Justice No Peace, No Mercy. Eye For A Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth. AFRICA IS NOT FOR SALE TO BLOOD SUCKERS, WESTERN EVIL/DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANIC SAME SEX CULTURE NOR WILL ACCEPT BRIBES TO FOLLOW THE GREAT SATAN ISRAEL, U.S. GOVERNMENT, RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLDWIDE CORRUPTION, DESTRUCTION AND THE SHAKING OF THIS EARTH.


Father's Day Happy Father's Day Louis Farrakhan


American Terrorists, When will the Fake News Media Exposé Years of Crimes at Jeffrey Epstein Island, Pedophilia, Blackrock, Vanguard,Rothschild, Rockefellers,Free Masons,George Soros,ALEN Dershowitz, Jeff Bezos,Mark Zuckerberg, Pricilla Chan, Google, Elon Musk, Bernie Madoff, Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, Howard Stern, Bill Gates, Anthony FAUCI, Sanjay GUIPTA, Howard Zucker, Mario Coumo, Perjury on Death Certificates of Senior Citizens COVID-19 Deaths(War Crimes) Why is every Blood Sucking Jew in America & England provided a FREE VACATION TO SATAN ISRAEL Courtesy of American Tax Payers? The Removal of Pledge, American Flag replaced With Satanic Rainbow Curriculum,Flag Linked with U.S. Military, NYPD, NYC Fire Department as those Demons infiltrated all Government agencies. Issues of Free Condoms at Schools, Crimes inside one bathroom used at Schools by Boys, Girls, Demons/Devil Worshippers LBGTQ Drag Queens, Swingers Causing Worldwide Titanic, Opening the Graves of Hell. Larry Silverstein obtaining over 4.5 Billion Dollars insurance Payments after 911, September 11, 2001 as they lied blaming Muslims Iraq weapons of Mass Destruction, Unjust Wars, Genocide, War Crimes. Trafficking of Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Firearms, Narcotics, Big pharmaceutical Drugs,Prostitution,Pornography, Men, Women, Children, Organs, Bones. Crimes against Nature, Artificial Intelligence, Cloning, Abortions. Let’s not forget the Murder of 23 Year Old White Female American Rachel Corrie Bulldozed Alive Forward than Backwards by Jewish Terrorists Israeli Tank as her Father Craig a U.S. Veteran CRYS for help from American Politicians/Criminals were completely ignored. Destructive Satanic Internet Apps destroying Families, fatherless Children. Ashley Madison, Married Discreet relationships, Same Sex Relationships, Relationships with animals, etc. leading to rise in divorces, deadly diseases, suicides,Mental illnesses. Man Made Viruses, Cancer, Autism, Homelessness, Overcrowded Prisons, Shelters, Entry of millions upon millions of undocumented illegal Immigrants,some Prison Escapees, endangering the Safety, Health, Security of all God Fearing Americans. Misappropriation of Trillions of Dollars of Tax Payers Money as Politicians/Criminals ask Suffering Americans for Donations for Disabled Veterans, Poor, Animals. Outdated infrastructure, broken roads, rusted bridges, outdated schools, curriculums, Job losses. Why did Edward Snowden Seek Asylum in Russia after Exposing the Central Intelligence Agency. No Justice No Peace, No Mercy. Eye For A Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth. AFRICA IS NOT FOR SALE TO BLOOD SUCKERS, WESTERN EVIL/DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANIC SAME SEX CULTURE NOR WILL ACCEPT BRIBES TO FOLLOW THE GREAT SATAN ISRAEL, U.S. GOVERNMENT, RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLDWIDE CORRUPTION, DESTRUCTION AND THE SHAKING OF THIS EARTH.


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‘People’s Red Line’ march draws thousands to D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Thousands of people from across the country gathered to demonstrate against the Biden administration’s role in the Israel-Hamas war and form the People’s Red Line to demand an end to the genocide in Gaza. Throughout the day, protestors called on President Joe Biden to halt military assistance to Israel and press for a swift ceasefire.

Organizers wanted the day to remind President Biden that he said an invasion of Rafah was a red line. However, the invasion of Rafah has continued for weeks, has expanded to the entire Gaza Strip and left numerous bodies in the rubble.
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1 month ago
‘People’s Red Line’ march draws thousands to D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Thousands of people from across the country gathered to demonstrate against the Biden administration’s role in the Israel-Hamas war and form the People’s Red Line to demand an end to the genocide in Gaza. Throughout the day, protestors called on President Joe Biden to halt military assistance to Israel and press for a swift ceasefire.

Organizers wanted the day to remind President Biden that he said an invasion of Rafah was a red line. However, the invasion of Rafah has continued for weeks, has expanded to the entire Gaza Strip and left numerous bodies in the rubble.

A message to the Muslim world ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

This must stop who is going to pay for the damages of these Historical Buildings.

A Test for the Human Family ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

The Power of Light! ☀️ ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

American Terrorists, When will the Fake News Media Exposé Years of Crimes at Jeffrey Epstein Island, Pedophilia, Blackrock, Vanguard,Rothschild, Rockefellers,Free Masons,George Soros,ALEN Dershowitz, Jeff Bezos,Mark Zuckerberg, Pricilla Chan, Google, Elon Musk, Bernie Madoff, Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, Howard Stern, Bill Gates, Anthony FAUCI, Sanjay GUIPTA, Howard Zucker, Mario Coumo, Perjury on Death Certificates of Senior Citizens COVID-19 Deaths(War Crimes) Why is every Blood Sucking Jew in America & England provided a FREE VACATION TO SATAN ISRAEL Courtesy of American Tax Payers? The Removal of Pledge, American Flag replaced With Satanic Rainbow Curriculum,Flag Linked with U.S. Military, NYPD, NYC Fire Department as those Demons infiltrated all Government agencies. Issues of Free Condoms at Schools, Crimes inside one bathroom used at Schools by Boys, Girls, Demons/Devil Worshippers LBGTQ Drag Queens, Swingers Causing Worldwide Titanic, Opening the Graves of Hell. Larry Silverstein obtaining over 4.5 Billion Dollars insurance Payments after 911, September 11, 2001 as they lied blaming Muslims Iraq weapons of Mass Destruction, Unjust Wars, Genocide, War Crimes. Trafficking of Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Firearms, Narcotics, Big pharmaceutical Drugs,Prostitution,Pornography, Men, Women, Children, Organs, Bones. Crimes against Nature, Artificial Intelligence, Cloning, Abortions. Let’s not forget the Murder of 23 Year Old White Female American Rachel Corrie Bulldozed Alive Forward than Backwards by Jewish Terrorists Israeli Tank as her Father Craig a U.S. Veteran CRYS for help from American Politicians/Criminals were completely ignored. Destructive Satanic Internet Apps destroying Families, fatherless Children. Ashley Madison, Married Discreet relationships, Same Sex Relationships, Relationships with animals, etc. leading to rise in divorces, deadly diseases, suicides,Mental illnesses. Man Made Viruses, Cancer, Autism, Homelessness, Overcrowded Prisons, Shelters, Entry of millions upon millions of undocumented illegal Immigrants,some Prison Escapees, endangering the Safety, Health, Security of all God Fearing Americans. Misappropriation of Trillions of Dollars of Tax Payers Money as Politicians/Criminals ask Suffering Americans for Donations for Disabled Veterans, Poor, Animals. Outdated infrastructure, broken roads, rusted bridges, outdated schools, curriculums, Job losses. Why did Edward Snowden Seek Asylum in Russia after Exposing the Central Intelligence Agency. No Justice No Peace, No Mercy. Eye For A Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth. AFRICA IS NOT FOR SALE TO BLOOD SUCKERS, WESTERN EVIL/DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANIC SAME SEX CULTURE NOR WILL ACCEPT BRIBES TO FOLLOW THE GREAT SATAN ISRAEL, U.S. GOVERNMENT, RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLDWIDE CORRUPTION, DESTRUCTION AND THE SHAKING OF THIS EARTH.

Is America is headed to anarchy? ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

2024 President Election and The Black Vote

Watch and share! “The Handwriting on the Wall” - Part 2 delivered by Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad delivered on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at Mosque Maryam

#NOISundays #Farrakhan
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2 months ago

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Listen very carefully to what He is saying.

A Message to Young People ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Love you my brilliant teacher brother Nuri Muhammad sir ❤️

Teach him the Truth. Self-confidence is the reliance and trust in our Daily Bread , Christ in us.( The Prayer of Prayers, ) There will be no inferiority complex when we apply the two commands of Christ in our daily living. Irrespective of the colour of the president. Love has no colour. God is Love.

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